Patrick Manser

Postdoctoral Researcher in Technology-enhanced Training for Brain Health

Curriculum vitae

Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society

Karolinska Institute

Media coverage


Acceptance speech - Vontobel Prize for Age(ing) Research:

In September 2024, the Center for Gerontology at the University of Zurich published a video (in German) of my short presentation and acceptance speech for receiving the Vontobel Prize for Age(ing) Research 2024 from the Center for Gerontology at the University of Zurich for the publication “‘Brain-IT’: Exergame training with biofeedback breathing in neurocognitive disorders” on their webpage:

Beobachter article - "Wie Gamen das Gehirn fit hält":

In March 2024, the Swiss Magazine "Beobachter" published an article (in German) covering the 'Brain-IT' project titled "Wie Gamen das Gehirn fit hält":


'Brain-IT' Promo-Video 2.0:

In June 2023, we released a second promotional video for our 'Brain-IT' project that we've produced in collaboration with the Synapsis Foundation – Dementia Research Switzerland: 

DeinAdieu blog article -  "Gegen das Vergessen: Demenz verstehen und verlangsamen":

In May 2023, published a Blog article covering the 'Brain-IT' project showcasing the efforts of the Synapsis Foundation - Dementia Research Switzerland in a blog article (in German) titled "Gegen das Vergessen: Demenz verstehen und verlangsamen":

Synapsis News - "Interview mit Herrn Lehmann - Teil 2":

In January 2023, the Synapsis Foundation - Dementia Research Switzerland published the second part of a coverage of the 'Brain-IT' project in the Synapsis News Issue March 2023 | No. 1 (in German) titled "Interview mit Herrn Lehmann, Teil 2"


Synapsis News - "Interview mit Herrn Lehmann":

In December 2022, the Synapsis Foundation - Dementia Research Switzerland published the first part of a coverage of the 'Brain-IT' project in the Synapsis News Issue December 2022 | No. 5 (in German) titled Interview mit Herrn Lehmann”:

Schweiz am Wochenende article - "Spielerisch gegen Demenz":

In November 2022, the Swiss newspaper "Schweiz am Wochenende" published an article (in German) titled "Spielerisch gegen Demenz" on the 'Brain-IT' project. Paid Subscription Article - Reference: 86304555; one of the published versions:

Synapsis News - Meet the Researchers:

In November 2022, my contribution to the "Meet the Researchers" Event was covered in the Synapsis News Issue November 2022 | No. 4 (in German)Meet the Researchers


Brain-IT - Promo Video 1.0:

In August 2021, we released a promotional video for our 'Brain-IT' project:

Title page of annual report of Synapsis Foundation:

In May 2021, we had the opportunity to contribute a photo to the title page of the annual report of the Synapsis Foundation - Dementia Research Switzerland 2020:

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